Eric J Alexander

Formerly PirateEric, a blog about SharePoint and Office 365.

Upcoming Book

I'm going to be published

Posted on 02 February 2012 by Eric in the category Announcement
Tagged under: Book

I generally don’t like to toot my own horn but sometimes it’s a necessity. I’m pleased to announce that the book I wrote a chapter in is going to press. I was contacted by Mark Miller of, aka @EUSP, to submit a chapter for a book. Honored to be asked to do this, I agreed happily. The title of the book is SharePoint at Work – Tricks, Traps, and Bold Opinions: The Best of and can be preordered on for 45% off. I wrote Chapter 9, an updated version of one of my most highly commented posts on nothingbutsharepoint, QOTD: SharePoint Document Library. This has been updated and revised for 2010 in the book.

Here’s the full run down of the chapters, you’ll see some familiar faces and to be a part of this group was truly an honor.

Many thanks go out to Natasha Felshman, @TeamEUSP, who I imaging felt like she was herding cats, managing all of us authors and working with O’Reilly to keep this on track. Thank you Mark for considering me worthy enough for publication with this great group of SharePoint pros.